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brazil nut中文是什么意思

用"brazil nut"造句"brazil nut"怎么读"brazil nut" in a sentence"brazil nut"的同义词


  • 三角形巴西胡桃。


  • Toast some brazil nuts and sprinkle over your salad
  • Brazil nuts and chocolate are both known to lift your mood
  • Oil , brazil nut oil , soya bean , rhizobium fredii , and plant energy polypeptide , etc
  • Brazil nuts - inshell and shelled - extra - large , large , medium , midget sizes
    巴西坚果- -带壳和去壳的- -超大型、大型、中型、小型。
  • Brazil nuts are actually seeds that grow in groups of eight to 24 inside a small coconutlike pod that must itself be cracked
    巴西坚果实际上是每8 ~ 24颗长在一个类似椰子的荚中,必须等它自己裂开。
  • Better choices may be brazil nuts ( for selenium ) , skim milk ( for calcium ) , or a spinach salad ( for folic acid )
    更好的选择是吃一些巴西胡桃(获得更多的硒) ,脱脂牛奶(获得更多的钙) ,或菠菜沙拉(获得更多的叶酸) 。
  • The second option is the preferred route to enrich already deforested areas with brazil nut and provide for the long - term capitalization of the amazonian farmer
  • In people , for example , soybeans with genes added from brazil nuts to make them more nutritious , can trigger dangerous allergies in people allergic to brazil nuts
  • Pine nuts have been enjoyed in ancient times when the towering trees produced pine cones the size of a football or larger and nuts the size of brazil nuts in present time
  • The future of brazil nut as a crop can be three - fold : as an extractivist product ; as an agroforestry / forest management component ; and as a modern monoculture plantation crop
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"brazil nut"造句  



The Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) is a South American tree in the family Lecythidaceae, and also the name of the tree's commercially harvested edible seed.
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